Daily Prompt: Goals

When you started your blog, did you set any goals? Have you achieved them? Have they changed at all?

When I started blogging almost 3 years ago I had no goals. At the time I think I was looking for an outlet for my professional frustrations, a way to get all my ideas out there in the hopes that someone, anyone, shared the same frustrations with the architectural profession that I have.

I was never terribly concerned with readership or subscribers. I think even now, 3 years later, I only have 130+ followers of my blog and about 10,000 hits per month. And those numbers are ok with me because I know those that do follow this blog are engaging in the content I provide, which is much more important to me.

Since my greatest passion in life is architecture, I will continue to write about design, the profession, my own practice and practical experiences in the hopes of continuing a dialogue and even hopefully help some who may go through the same types of situations as me.

9 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Goals

  1. Pingback: Do 15 New Things in 30 Days | Cheri Speak

  2. Pingback: Bloggy Goals? | Stuphblog

  3. Pingback: How To Be More Productive | Self-Help for Creatively Deprived

  4. Pingback: My Goal Is To Write Gooder | The Jittery Goat

  5. Pingback: Blog GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOALS! – Prompt du Jour | Edward Hotspur

  6. Well, 10000 hits per month is a lot! Personally for me setting goals is a very good thing – I always put them for every month. When I achieve it, it motivates me a lot, when I fail, it makes me analyze what I have done during the month and where I could improve.

    • Since starting the blog goals have become more important. Obviously, like anyone, I’d like to have more readers, especially more readers that are engaged in conversation and building relationships.
      10,000 is actually down from last year’s average of 15k+ per month. I think I’m down from the 10k mark now as well. I let the blog slip for quite a while during a big move and getting settled in a new city, etc etc, excuses excuses. My main goal currently is to publish at least one meaningful post per week. The daily posts are more fun than anything.
      Thanks for your comments! Keep em coming!

  7. Pingback: Goals: Thanks Everyone! | Khana's Web

  8. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Goals | On My Front Porch

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